In 1997, The Downtown Jaycees awarded me a grant for creating an innovative project to keep my students’ learning.
My project was entitled Majestic, Mighty, Mental-Minded Men Literacy Project; it aimed to enhance the literary skills of young African-American males. Over the course of the year, the students focused on themes and discussed motivated men in history. Female students also participated.
With the grant money, we were able to acquire composition books, video tapes, relevant reading materials, and other needed supplies. This literary project motivated students to implement English and reading skills; they were engaged as active participants, readers, actors, script writer,directors, and camcorder and computer operators. They were encouraged to build and to use new vocabulary words, In addition, they had to correct spelling errors in their scripts, and to use standard English in writing book reviews.They entitled their video tapes like this: NOT JUST SPIKE LEE BUT BIG, BAD ME MAKING MOVIES. Then, they gave a new title to each video movie that they produced. The students enjoyed making these videos.
These five heroes came to John Francis Junior High!
1. General Julian Becton
2. Anthony Harris, The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
3.Robert Johnson, CEO, Black Entertainment Television
4. General Colin Powell
5.Charles Ellis Royster, Administrator Roosevelt Senior High
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